Yoga & Ayurveda
Yoga is…
Yoga is the union or yoking of mind, body and spirit. It is an ancient practice that comes from India and aims to lead practitioners toward Self-realization using methods such as physical postures, ethical disciplines, breath control, sensory methods, affirmations, visualization , prayer, mantra, and complex meditative disciplines. -Frawley
Ayurveda is…
Ayurveda, pronounced (Eye-Your-Vay-Duh) is a 5000 year old healing practice from India. The word Ayurveda translates to science of life Ayu (life) Veda (Knowledge). It is a self-healing, energy management system that considers the whole person and thus, with the use of, yoga asana (postures), mantra, botanicals, diet, pranayama (breath-work), and meditation each unique person is treated holistically, versus the treatment of individual symptoms.
Ask about receiving a specific Yoga sequence or Ayurvedic education as part of your treatment plan.